Do you know the difference between different dental professionals?

Cultivating a strong rapport with your dental team holds immense importance. This relationship not only enhances your understanding of effective oral care but also fosters open communication about any treatments you may require, alleviating any concerns you might have.

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Cultivating a strong rapport with your dental team holds immense importance.

This relationship not only enhances your understanding of effective oral care but also fosters open communication about any treatments you may require, alleviating any concerns you might have.

While many still associate the dentist as the primary figure in dental care, it’s crucial to recognize the diverse roles within the dental team.

Upon entering a dental practice, you may encounter various professionals, such as:

Dental Nurse:

  • Maintains patient records and takes notes during examinations.
  • Provides support during treatments and assists the dentist chair-side.
  • Collaborates with the team, ensuring instrument decontamination and equipment maintenance.
  • Prepares materials and supplies for procedures.
  • Can also contribute to oral care in hospital settings.
  • Offers reassurance, addresses questions, and alleviates any fears.


Dental Therapist:

  • Delivers treatment in diverse community settings, including schools and care homes.
  • Provides oral health education.
  • Conducts clinical examinations, scaling, and polishing of teeth.
  • Offers advice on smoking cessation and develops care and treatment plans.
  • Takes impressions and performs restoration work.
  • Conducts mouth cancer screenings.
  • Specializes in patients with dental anxiety, existing medical conditions, physical or learning disabilities, or significant untreated decay.


Dental Hygienist:

  • Primarily focuses on preventing dental problems and treating gum disease.
  • Educates on at-home oral care practices to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
  • Performs procedures like scaling and polishing teeth, taking dental x-rays, and applying topical fluoride and sealants.
  • Typically works in dental practices, with some also serving in hospitals and community dental services.

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